Cam ruột đỏ Úc

Cam ruột đỏ Úc

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Thai Rambutan & Nhan Rambutan

Thai Rambutan Nhan Rambutan
Brix 18 – 22% 18 – 22%
Size 28 – 32 fruits/kg 28 – 35 fruits/kg
Ingredients 100% rambutan 100% rambutan
Seasons Year-round Year-round
Storage Condition Fresh 16 ÷ 18o C Fresh 16 ÷ 18o C
Shelf Life Fresh 7 days Fresh 7 days

Java Rambutan

Java Rambutan
Brix 18 – 22%
Size 28 – 32 fruits/kg
Ingredients 100% rambutan
Seasons Year-round
Storage Condition Fresh 16 ÷ 18o C
Shelf Life Fresh 7 days
Category: Export fruit
In Vietnam before, people usually process coconuts to take copra, coconut milk, make coconut oil, or dry into copra. Nowadays, copra is also processed into many other products such as coconut milk powder, dried grated copra, frozen copra, and so on, or coconut milk extracted from copra can be used as fat for many other foods such as coconut candy, coconut jam, glutinous rice chupatty, ricepaper, local dishes, etc. Copra braised with pork is one of the daily dishes of Vietnamese people.



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