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Guava is a familiar fruit in life with many different varieties: Bo guava, Pink flesh Guava, pink guava, Nghe An guava, etc. Each type of guava has its unique own size, taste, and fragrance. For export, pink flesh guava is preferred thanks to its large size and pleasant sweetness. Chanh Thu is currently supplying guava to the export market.

It is said that guava contains a “nutrient storehouse” as a gift from nature because it has very high nutritional value, less saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium, high content of fiber, vitamins C, A, zinc, potassium, and manganese, so on. Regular and proper use of guava is very good for health improvement, beautification, weight loss, and treatment of some diseases.

  • Improvement of the immune system: Vitamin C of guava strengthens the immune system for a healthy body and prevents pathogens and infectious agents such as cough, colds, and flu, and “cleans up” the respiratory system to prevent viral infection.
  • Beautification: Vitamin C of guava also helps activate the production of collagen – an essential active ingredient for strengthening joints and cartilage, the structure of the skin, maintaining collagen in the skin, and stabilizing the skin.
  • Improvement of endocrine functions: the copper in guava boosts the production and absorption of hormones for the body, as well as improves endocrine function, especially the thyroid gland, which is responsible for metabolizing food and energy.
  • Weight loss: guava contains less fat, so it is a suitable fruit for people on a diet of weight loss.
  • Treatment of diabetes: Korean study has recognized the anti-diabetic effects of guava. The study shows that the inhibitory activity of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B in guava leaf extract is useful to treat type 2 diabetes. Fresh guava contains a high amount of soluble and insoluble fiber lowers blood sugar safely for people with diabetes.



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